Units of the Frame Futures Fund 1F declined by -1.20%. Equity investments rose +1.67%, while currency, commodity and fixed income investments declined by -0.08%, -2.12% and -0.38% respectively.
Largest contributors were investments in gold, lean hogs, canola, Nasdaq, NYFANG and Copper. Largest detractors were natural gas, Japanese government bonds, and Indian index exposure.
The Fund ended the month with margin to equity of 21.05%, versus, the end of December of 18.18%.
In terms of strategy attribution, Momentum detracted -1.69%, Market Exposure added +0.29%, Trend Following added +0.29%, while Market Structure added +0.05%.
In terms of fund activity, the strategies were active in 47 markets, with a large skew to commodity and equity markets.
If you would like a copy of the original class track record ‘0F’, please email our office on investors@framefunds.com.au.
There will be no performance for any period outside of 1 month.
The full report can be downloaded by clicking the image below.